
Hello World!

Hello and welcome to my blog! I’m passionate about books and I’ll be sharing my thoughts, reviews, and recommendations with you.

I enjoy reading different genres of books, such as mysteries, thrillers, gothic and supernatural stories, historical fiction, and nonfiction. Some of my current favorites include “Weyward” by Emilia Hart, “The Ferryman” by Justin Cronin, and the “Found Things” series by Paula Brackston. I also have a soft spot for southern fiction set in the Appalachian mountains.

I will share book reviews from NetGalley and recommendations of books I enjoy. Additionally, I’m working on my own writing projects which I hope to publish soon. Stay tuned for updates on my projects here!

Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy my book reviews!

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Professional Reader 10 Book Reviews

The Butcher of the Forest

In this haunting and atmospheric dark fairytale, we find ourselves in a land oppressed by a foreign tyrant. At the northern edge of this realm lies a wild, forbidden forest—a place of ancient magic and peril. Veris Thorn, the only person to have entered the forest and survived, is now forced to return inside to retrieve the tyrant’s missing children. But time is not on her side; she has only one day to navigate traps, trickery, and the haunting remnants of the past. One misstep could cost everything.

Mohamed’s prose weaves a spellbinding tapestry, drawing readers into a dimension where wicked shape-shifting beings, undead deer, and other monstrosities lurk. Yet it’s the endearing characters and their struggles that truly make this novella powerful. Veris Thorn’s world-weariness and determination resonate, and the forest itself becomes a character—an entity both beautiful and treacherous.

“The Butcher of the Forest” is a perfect blend of horror and fantasy, showcasing why Premee Mohamed is one of the rising stars in the genre. If you enjoy dark fairytales, magical forests, and characters who grapple with forces beyond their control, this novella is a must-read.

Remember, within the pages of this book, you’ll encounter more than just words; you’ll step into a realm where danger and wonder intertwine, leaving an indelible mark on your imagination. Happy reading!

Thanks to NetGalley and Tor Publishing Group for allowing me to read this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

The First Lights of Eventide

In this enchanting novel, we step into the mystical world of the **’enchanted eventide’**—a place where an esteemed historian, Dr. Neely Shaw, embarks on a captivating journey. Set in Alabama in 2016, Neely spends her Sundays exploring the back roads, seeking long-forgotten relics and new historical sites. When she stumbles upon the remains of an old farmhouse, she discovers a brittle envelope containing a handwritten letter from 1907, nominating an unknown hotel for the National Register of Historic Places. But how could this be, given that the National Register didn’t exist back then?

Enter Josh Carraway, the project manager for the multinational company that owns the property. Together, they aim to save the old house from destruction and uncover the phantom hotel. With the help of Davis Stewart, the director of the Oak Springs, Alabama Archives, Neely unearths the once-beautiful historical jewel hidden behind dense wilderness.

But there’s more: Neely and Josh discover a **portal to the past** that transports them to 1907. Here, they encounter mystical occurrences, ghostly sightings, and an eerie abduction. As they navigate this time-traveling adventure, they must balance their project with the supernatural forces at play. Could this journey into the past also shape their future?

Jaye Burke weaves a tale of time travel, romance, mystery, and vivid descriptions of rural Alabama’s spectacular beauty. The transitions between different time periods are smooth, connecting the dots across history. Readers have praised the book’s magical elements and the way it brings the past alive. Some reviewers have given it four stars, appreciating its blend of romance, historical fiction, and the touch of magic.

If you enjoy stories that blur the lines between reality and enchantment, “The First Lights of Eventide” might be a delightful addition to your reading list! 

Thanks to NetGalley and VintageSouthBooks for allowing me to read this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

Book Review: “Writing a Killer Thriller” by Jodie Renner

Rating: ★★★★☆

Jodie Renner’s “Writing a Killer Thriller” is a comprehensive guide that aims to arm aspiring thriller writers with the necessary tools to captivate their readers with suspenseful, gripping narratives. While the book offers a wealth of good advice and strategies for crafting effective thrillers, a few issues prevent it from being the flawless guide one might hope for from an experienced editor.

Strengths of the Book

Renner’s expertise shines through in the detailed discussions about pacing, character development, and building tension—key elements in any thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The book is particularly strong when it delves into psychological aspects, helping writers understand how to manipulate reader emotions effectively and sustain suspense throughout their stories.

The inclusion of real-world examples from popular thrillers allows readers to see Renner’s advice in action, which is invaluable for both new and experienced writers. These examples serve as concrete illustrations of abstract concepts and provide a clear direction for applying Renner’s tips to one’s own writing.

Issues with Typos and Repetitiveness

Surprisingly for a book authored by an editor known for meticulousness, “Writing a Killer Thriller” suffers from a number of typos and misspelled words. This is particularly jarring given Renner’s background and somewhat undermines the authority of the text. Readers might find themselves distracted by these errors, which occasionally disrupt the flow of reading and could detract from the professional polish expected of a guide on writing.

Additionally, the book’s content tends to be repetitive at times. Several points are reiterated in multiple chapters, which, while emphasizing their importance, also pads out the book unnecessarily. This repetition might cause frustration for readers who are keen on extracting new information from each chapter rather than revisiting previously covered material.

Educational Value

Despite its flaws, “Writing a Killer Thriller” remains a valuable resource for writers. The repetitive nature of some information does ensure that critical points are likely to stick with readers, potentially aiding them in avoiding common pitfalls in thriller writing. Moreover, Renner’s advice is generally sound and rooted in a deep understanding of the genre, making this book a useful tool for writers looking to improve or refine their thriller-writing skills.


Overall, “Writing a Killer Thriller” by Jodie Renner earns a solid four stars. It is packed with insightful tips and examples that can help any writer improve their ability to craft suspenseful narratives. However, the impact of the advice is somewhat lessened by the presence of typographical errors and repetitive content. Writers looking for a thorough introduction to thriller writing will find much to appreciate here, but they might have to look past some editing oversights to fully enjoy all that the book has to offer.

Book Review: “How to Write a Damn Good Mystery” by James N. Frey

Rating: ★★★★★

James N. Frey’s “How to Write a Damn Good Mystery” is an indispensable treasure trove for any aspiring or seasoned writer aiming to master the art of crafting a compelling mystery novel. Packed with practical advice, Frey demystifies the complex elements that make up a gripping mystery story, guiding readers with a firm but approachable hand through the intricate process of developing suspenseful plots, deep characters, and thrilling twists.

Engaging and Educational

From the outset, Frey captures the reader’s interest with a conversational tone that feels both engaging and educational. He breaks down the mystery genre into manageable components, making the task of writing seem less daunting and more attainable. The book is structured in a way that mirrors the construction of a mystery novel itself, beginning with the foundations and building up to the more nuanced skills needed to polish your manuscript.

Deep Dive into Character Development

One of the standout features of Frey’s guide is his emphasis on character development. He argues convincingly that a mystery is only as strong as its protagonist and antagonist. With detailed chapters on crafting a memorable detective and a worthy adversary, Frey provides not just the tools but also the insights necessary to create characters that live and breathe on the page, pulling readers into their world and keeping them hooked till the last page.

Plotting Your Mystery

Frey excels in his thorough exploration of plotting. He lays out clear, strategic methods for planning out a mystery plot that includes false leads, red herrings, and the all-important climactic revelation. His approach is meticulous and detailed, offering a step-by-step guide that beginners can follow easily while also providing deeper insights for more experienced writers seeking to refine their craft. Throughout the book, Frey incorporates numerous examples from well-known mystery works to illustrate his points effectively.

Inspirational and Motivational

Beyond just the mechanics of writing a mystery, Frey’s book serves as a source of inspiration and motivation. He peppers the text with encouraging words and success stories, making the daunting task of writing a book feel more achievable. His passion for the mystery genre is evident and infectious, likely inspiring readers to start plotting their own stories before even finishing the book.


“How to Write a Damn Good Mystery” by James N. Frey is a comprehensive, insightful, and indispensable guide that deserves a spot on the bookshelf of anyone interested in writing within the mystery genre. Whether you’re just dabbling with the idea of writing a mystery or are deep into your writing career, Frey’s book offers valuable insights that can help elevate your writing to the next level. A true masterclass in mystery writing, this book earns a well-deserved five stars for its clarity, depth, and practical utility.

Spring: A Season of Rebirth and Renewal

What is your favorite type of weather?

As the chill of winter recedes and the first green buds begin to unfurl, there is a palpable shift in the air. Spring, my favorite season, arrives like a breath of fresh air, inviting us to witness the rebirth of nature and the renewal of our spirits. It is a time of year that seems to resonate with the very essence of hope and new beginnings, making it a season I hold dear to my heart.

The Awakening of the Earth

After the long, silent months of winter, spring arrives as a symphony of life. It is as if the earth itself is waking up from a deep slumber. Trees regain their lush foliage, flowers push through the thawing soil to splash color across landscapes, and the sound of birdsong fills the warming air. This awakening is not just a visual spectacle; it is a multisensory experience that revives the soul.

There’s something magical about watching the world come to life again. Each new leaf and each new bloom is a testament to the resilience of nature. It’s a reminder that life persists, that beauty can follow the bleakest of times, and that there are always opportunities for growth.

The Perfect Balance of Weather

Spring is a time of perfect balance when it comes to weather. The extremes of winter cold and summer heat give way to a mild and temperate climate. Gentle breezes replace biting winds, and the sun graces us with its warmth without the intensity that will come in the summer months. It’s the season of light jackets and open windows, of picnics in the park and walks without a destination.

The fresh, clean air of spring is revitalizing, enticing us to spend more time outdoors. Whether it’s tending to a garden, hiking through the woods to see the wildflowers, or simply lounging in a hammock with a good book, the weather is our ally, encouraging us to reconnect with the natural world.

A Symbol of Hope and New Beginnings

For me, spring is far more than just a transitional period between winter and summer. It stands as a powerful symbol of hope and new beginnings. As nature renews itself, so too do we find opportunities to start anew. Spring is the perfect time to set goals, to clean and declutter our spaces, and to take on new projects with the fresh energy that the season brings.

This sense of renewal is also reflected in the many cultural celebrations and holidays that occur during spring. From Easter to Passover, Nowruz to Holi, many cultures mark this time of year with festivities that honor life, prosperity, and the triumph of light over darkness.

An Invitation to Mindfulness

Perhaps one of the most beautiful aspects of spring is the invitation it extends to be present and mindful. With so many changes happening rapidly in nature, there’s a natural inclination to pay closer attention to the small details—the way the morning dew clings to the newly sprouted grass, how the cherry blossom trees seem to bloom overnight, or the return of migratory birds filling the skies with their graceful patterns.

Spring encourages us to slow down and take notice, to be aware of the transitions and the constant flux within and around us. It’s a time to savor the beauty of the moment and to be grateful for the cycles that shape our world.

Conclusion: Embracing the Spirit of Spring

Embracing the spirit of spring means embracing life itself—its vibrancy, its potential, and its exquisite beauty. This season, with its perfect weather, its symbolism of hope, and its invitation to mindfulness, holds a special place in my heart. As I watch the world around me come to life, I am reminded of the endless possibilities that lie ahead and the joy that can be found in the simplest of nature’s gifts. Spring is not just a season; it’s a promise that no matter what, there is always a chance to start again, to bloom, and to grow.

Envisioning Ink: Why I’d Choose a Colorful Dragonfly Tattoo on My Inner Forearm

What tattoo do you want and where would you put it?

Tattoos are more than just body art; they are a personal expression, a permanent symbol etched into the skin that often holds deep meaning for the wearer. If I were to decide to get a tattoo, I would choose a design that represents not only an aesthetic appeal but also encapsulates a part of who I am and what I believe in. For me, that design would be a dragonfly, vibrant in color, gracing my inner forearm.

Symbolism of the Dragonfly

The dragonfly is an ancient insect that has roamed the earth for millions of years, and over time it has accumulated a wealth of symbolism across different cultures. To some, it represents change and the ability to adapt to life’s ever-shifting currents. To others, it symbolizes the realm of emotions, inviting us to dive deeper into our feelings and emerge with a clearer understanding of our inner landscapes.

In many traditions, dragonflies are seen as messengers of wisdom and enlightenment. Their agile flight patterns and ability to move in all six directions speak to the freedom of the mind and the ability to see beyond limitations. They remind us to be light, joyful, and to appreciate the fleeting beauty of life.

Why Colorful?

Choosing to have the dragonfly in color rather than black and grey adds another layer of significance. Colors breathe life into the design, making it pop against the skin with an energetic vibrancy that can’t be achieved with monochrome alone. Each color can hold a specific meaning – blues for serenity and stability, greens for growth and harmony, reds for passion and vitality, and so on. A spectrum of colors reflects the multifaceted nature of our own experiences and emotions.

The Inner Forearm: A Place of Visibility and Intimacy

The inner forearm is a place that is both visible to the world and yet intimate, easily covered or revealed according to one’s preference. For me, this placement means that the dragonfly would be a constant companion on my journey, a reminder to myself that’s close at hand (quite literally). It’s a place where I can glance down and draw strength or inspiration from the design whenever I need it.

The Personal Connection

A dragonfly tattoo would be more than just a beautiful piece of art on my skin; it would be a personal talisman. It would symbolize my commitment to personal growth, to embracing change with grace, and to seeking out the light even in darker times. It would remind me that like the dragonfly, my path may not always be straight, but with adaptability and resilience, I can navigate the winds of life with confidence.

Navigating the Tides of Emotion: My Personal Strategies for Coping with Negative Feelings

What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings?

Dealing with negative emotions can often feel like sailing through a stormy sea. The waves of sadness, anxiety, or stress threaten to capsize our inner tranquility, but with the right strategies, we can learn to navigate these waters and reach calmer shores. In my own journey, I have developed a toolkit of methods that help me stay afloat during turbulent times. Here’s how I cope with negative feelings:

  1. Regular Visits to My Therapist
    Seeking professional guidance is a cornerstone of my emotional well-being. My therapist acts as a lighthouse, providing direction and insight when I feel lost in the fog of my thoughts. These sessions are a safe space where I can unpack my feelings without judgment and learn coping mechanisms tailored to my needs.
  2. Embracing the Great Outdoors
    There’s something inherently healing about being surrounded by nature. Whether it’s a leisurely walk in the park or a hike through the woods, immersing myself in the natural world provides a sense of peace and grounding. The fresh air, the sounds of wildlife, and the rhythm of my footsteps help to dissipate my worries and restore my balance.
  3. Meditation Apps: My Digital Sanctuary
    In our tech-driven world, I’ve found solace in using meditation apps. These digital havens offer guided sessions that help me center my thoughts and cultivate mindfulness. Even a few minutes of dedicated meditation can make a significant difference in my mood, helping me to detach from negative emotions and gain a clearer perspective.
  4. Staying True to My Medication Schedule
    For some of us, medication is a vital part of managing mental health. I make it a priority to take my prescribed medication consistently, as it helps to regulate my emotions and maintain my overall well-being. It’s important to remember that there’s no shame in needing medical assistance to help navigate the complexities of our minds.
  5. Journaling: My Emotional Almanac
    Writing down my thoughts and feelings acts as a release valve for built-up pressure. Journaling offers me the chance to reflect on my emotions, identify triggers, and track my progress over time. It’s a personal archive of my journey that I can revisit to remind myself of how far I’ve come.
  6. Creative Pursuits: Channeling Emotions into Art
    Engaging in creative activities is a therapeutic outlet for me. Whether it’s painting, writing, or playing music, the act of creation transforms my negative feelings into something beautiful and expressive. These pursuits not only provide a distraction but also allow me to communicate my emotions in ways words cannot always capture.
  7. The Power of Prayer
    My spiritual life is a bedrock of comfort and hope. Prayer offers me a connection to something greater than myself and a sense of universal love and support. In moments of despair, it provides solace and the strength to face my challenges with grace.

Every person’s emotional landscape is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. However, by sharing the strategies that help me, I hope to inspire others to discover their own methods of coping with negative feelings. Remember, the journey towards emotional well-being is not a solitary one—there are tools, people, and practices ready to support you along the way.

If you’re struggling with negative emotions, consider adopting some of these strategies or explore other avenues that resonate with you. The most important thing is to take that first step and reach out—whether to a therapist, a loved one, or through personal practices that foster well-being. Together, we can weather the storm and embrace the sunshine that follows.

A Star is Born

What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times?

“A Star Is Born,” starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, is a film that holds a particular resonance for many viewers, myself included. Having seen the movie more than five times, each viewing provides a fresh emotional experience and a deeper appreciation for the intricate storytelling, the powerful performances, and the stirring soundtrack.

At its core, “A Star Is Born” is a poignant tale of love, ambition, and the harrowing challenges of fame. It’s the story of seasoned musician Jackson Maine, played with a rough-hewn charm by Bradley Cooper, who discovers and falls in love with a talented but relatively unknown singer, Ally, portrayed by Lady Gaga in a raw and captivating performance. As Ally’s career takes off, Jack’s ongoing battle with his personal demons becomes a central theme that’s both heart-wrenching and deeply human.

What makes this film so rewatchable is the palpable chemistry between the two leads. Each scene they share feels electric, filled with a sense of genuine connection and vulnerability. Lady Gaga’s performance is particularly transformative; she embodies Ally’s journey from obscurity to stardom with such authenticity that it’s easy to forget you’re watching a fictional narrative unfold.

The music in “A Star Is Born” is undeniably another highlight. The songs are not just catchy and beautifully written; they’re integral to the storytelling. Tracks like “Shallow,” which became a hit outside of the film’s context, serve as emotional milestones in the characters’ relationship and their personal journeys. The music is so central to the film that with each viewing, I find new layers in the lyrics and compositions that mirror the protagonists’ complexities.

Director Bradley Cooper manages to infuse this iteration of “A Star Is Born” — the fourth remake of the original 1937 film — with a modern sensibility while honoring the story’s timeless themes. His direction is both intimate and expansive, capturing the quiet moments between characters with the same deftness as the sweeping concert scenes.

The emotional depth of the movie is another aspect that compels me to revisit it. The film doesn’t shy away from the darker aspects of fame, addiction, and the music industry. It’s a rollercoaster of highs and lows, and with each viewing, I find myself empathizing more deeply with the characters’ struggles and triumphs.

Despite knowing the outcome, the film’s tragic climax is no less impactful after multiple watches. The juxtaposition of Ally’s ascent to stardom against Jack’s descent into his personal abyss is both beautiful and devastating. The movie leaves a lasting impression that lingers long after the credits roll, prompting reflection on the nature of love, the price of success, and the human capacity for resilience in the face of adversity. Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper have delivered a timeless story of love and loss that captures the imagination and tugs at the heartstrings every time.

Happy Birthday!

Write a letter to your 100-year-old self.

Hey there Centenarian!

Wow, just typing out that word feels like a sci-fi fantasy, doesn’t it? A whole century under your belt – that’s no small feat! I’m writing to you from way back in the day, wondering about all the stories you must have collected over a hundred years. I bet you’ve seen the world change in ways I can only dream of right now.

First off, I hope you’re wearing that age like a badge of honor, because it is one. I wonder which of our current modern marvels are now just quaint footnotes in history books. Did everyone finally get flying cars? Are we vacationing on Mars yet? I’m chuckling at the thought of how you might explain to youngsters that there was once a time without hyper-speed internet or whatever crazy tech you’ve got now.

I hope you’ve kept our sense of humor intact through it all. Laughter’s the best medicine, or so they say, and I have a feeling it might be part of your secret to hitting the big one-oh-oh. Are you still telling those corny jokes that make everyone groan but secretly love? I really hope so.

I’m sure you’ve seen your share of challenges, but I hope you’ve met each one with the resilience and grace I’m trying to cultivate. Remember how we used to worry about every little thing? I’m hoping you’re sitting there with a knowing smile, thinking about how most of those worries never really mattered in the grand scheme of things.

Through all the ups and downs, I hope you’ve kept close to the people who mattered most. Friends, family – the ones who made this long, crazy journey a beautiful one. Give them an extra hug for me, will you? And if you’ve made new friends along the way, cherish those bonds, too.

Tell me, what passions did you pursue? I have so many dreams and projects I’m excited about right now, and I’m curious to know which ones stuck. Did we ever write that book? Learn to paint? Master the art of French cooking? Whatever you chose to dive into, I hope it brought you joy and a sense of fulfillment.

I guess what I really want to say is, no matter how the world has changed, I hope you’ve stayed true to yourself. Keep on shining, keep on laughing, and keep on loving with all your heart. After all, if you’ve made it to 100, you must be doing something right.

So here’s to you, my future self, with a whole century of life in your memory bank. I’m proud of you, I’m inspired by you, and I’m excited for all the tales you have to tell.

With love and a dash of youthful curiosity,

Me in 2024

If Dreams Came True: My Ultimate Bookstore Shopping Spree Fantasy

Where would you go on a shopping spree?

Hey fellow bookworms,

Have you ever closed your eyes and just imagined what you’d do if you had one of those no-limits, go-wild shopping sprees? You know, the kind where you can just throw stuff in your cart without a care in the world for pesky things like price tags and budgeting? Well, if you’re anything like me, you’d make a beeline straight to the nearest bookstore—and not just any bookstore, but the biggest, most magical one you can find.

Let’s set the scene: There I am, standing at the entrance of this literary wonderland, my shopping cart at the ready. The smell of fresh ink and paper hits me like a warm hug, and I can practically hear the books whispering from the shelves, “Pick me, pick me!”

As I wander the aisles, I’m like a kid in a candy store—only instead of chocolate and gummies, I’m surrounded by hardbacks and paperbacks, each one more tempting than the last. I’d start with the classics, the ones that have withstood the test of time, their spines creased with the love of generations of readers. Then I’d drift over to the shiny new releases, the ones with covers so gorgeous they could double as art.

I’d make sure to swing by the fantasy section, too. There’s something about getting lost in a world of dragons, magic, and far-off kingdoms that just feels like home. And, oh, the thrillers! I’d grab every twisty, heart-pounding story I could find because who doesn’t love a good adrenaline rush now and then?

But let’s not forget the non-fiction. I’m talking memoirs, biographies, and those deep-dive investigative pieces that unravel the mysteries of our world. I’d stack those titles high because reality can be just as captivating as any fictional tale.

If money and space were no concern (and in this fantasy, they’re not), I’d buy every book I ever wanted to read. I’d need a library with ladders and one of those sliding rail thingies to reach the top shelves, just like in the movies. And you can bet I’d be sliding all over the place, pulling down book after book, my laughter echoing through the halls of my personal reading sanctuary.

In this dream, every book I’ve ever hesitated to buy because of adulting reasons—too expensive, no room on the shelf, do I really need another book?—would be mine. My cart would be overflowing, and still, I’d be piling them on. The checkout clerk would probably think I’ve gone mad, but hey, it’s my shopping spree fantasy, and in it, I’m as gleeful as can be.

Back in the real world, my wallet and my living space might have their limitations, but dreaming is free, right? So, tell me, where would YOUR shopping spree take you? If you’re part of the book-loving brigade, drop me a comment with the titles you’d snag on your fantasy shopping spree. Let’s dream big and add even more to our never-ending TBR lists!

Happy (imaginary) shopping!